Saturday, March 17, 2012

Topic Proposal for Research - David Square

For my research study I decided to concentrate on the context of pedestrian presence around David Square in Somerville and distinguish what is about David Square’s physical and social design aspect that makes people attracted or wanting to go there? In this subject, I like to investigate what makes Davis Square successful or not successful for pedestrian walkability, staying and socializing?

I will investigate the street and sidewalk context and how does it works to connect people in and around the square? Who goes there and from where? How long does people stay on Davis square? What do they do there while staying? What are the most common activity that happens there? What are the most age group that visit the square on a daily bases? Does the commercial core on David Square play any influence in pedestrian traffic? How does the sidewalks and streets help pedestrians by leading them to where they want to go? It is successful or not? Does the square users and activities change at night? What are the most popular feature or place at Davis Square that people seems to like the most?

My intentions is to find answers for most of this questions by using research techniques I've learned in Sommer's reading. I plan to begin my research method by creating a place-centered map and analyzing what people do or go most. I also plan to prepare a questionnaire and ask users a few questions.

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